Leaving on a Jet plane !!
New Delhi - Dubai - Istanbul - Paris- London - New York !!!! 28 hours on a jet plane. I am sure you will be Jet lagged.
Try this.
1) Tablets : This is a safe and effective remedy for countering jet lag, in the form of easy-to-take tablets. No-Jet-Lag has no side effects and can be taken with other medicines also. No-Jet-Lag is available at luggage stores, health stores, pharmacies and almost all the international airports.
2) De stress : Before departing, make sure you have all your affairs in order. Ensure you are not stressed-out with excitement or worry, and not tired. Get plenty of exercise in the days prior to departure and try to avoid sickness such as the flu and cold. If you have a cold, flying will probably make it worse - ideally you should delay the trip. Get a good sleep prior to departure.
3) Fly westwards : It may be largely a matter of personal preference, but there is some evidence that flying westwards causes less jet lag than flying eastwards.
4) Drink a lot of water. No alcohol please. It will dehydrate your body.
5) Take a shower during stop over flights at the airport.
6) Do not take sleeping pills...It is harmful.